Tuesday, September 02, 2008


I'm cranky. I'm snapping at or criticizing my Kevin, and he so does not deserve that. I thought it was hormonal, and even if it was, which it's not, that's not a good reason. There's never a good reason to be rude. He's been fighting a bad cold, and I've been addressing that, but not with the same compassion that I approach my kids. Fleshy, gritchy, moody woman! Snap out of it!

I need to be addressed once again by Your redemptive, soul-turning loving-kindness. That You never tire of doing this, of stooping way, way down to run a gentle finger down my cheek and pull me close and softly speak Jesus to me... That You never shake Your finger at my misbehavior and wrong thinking... in fact, You don't pay any attn to sin and flesh--You have nothing to do with them... You are utterly fantastic [so extreme as to challenge belief].

You are about washing the insides of this rusty can with Your pure river water. Help me to be patient. Help me not to panic when I don't see any change even after a long time. The water is moving, and the inside of the can is coming clean as You pour through it day after obstacle after need after day. XO


Unknown said...

Have you been spying on my home life? I feel the same way. I'm unreasonable and impatient and don't know why. It's like I can't help it. I know I can though. Phil. 4:13!

My Life as a MOM said...

I think Ive heard the rusty can analogy before and I like it. There's this can in the river and it doesn't think it's doing any good or changing (something like that), but one day it realizes its insides have been washed clean of rust because of the water flowing through it everyday. Is that pretty much the analogy you make here?

Unknown said...

i have these days too. sometimes i have these weeks. apologize and start fresh. forgive yourself. we serve the God of fresh starts.