Friday, September 05, 2008


Change is inevitable.

I don't have any thrill issues. None. I don't have an adventurous spirit. I'm only slightly spontaneous, and then only if it's my idea. Too many changes too quickly make me snarky. It's ugly. And you only see the outside of it. I have a pretty cushy life, so I have no room to complain, and yet here I am. So be it. I'll give myself a deadline to snap out of it. I miss Normal.
  • Kev has slowed w-a-a-ay down because of his injured ankle bone, and I hate seeing him in such terrible pain.
  • Jylle is going to a different school, which always brings new challenges.
  • Ryan has moved out to go to college in another state; new challenges again.
  • We're facing a year of big debt and trying to make ends meet.
  • My mom seems to be going downhill mentally and physically. Suicide is lookin' good to her again.
  • Brett is bearing a huge workload this year, academically and jobwise. This is his toughest year yet.
I'm the woman in the commercial who hits the Easy button, only I tend to mentally skitter all over the place trying to find alternate routes to Easy when that doesn't work. This can complicate things.

I'm going to go have a popsicle now. When all other routes fail, there's always a popsicle on the front porch swing.

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