Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Whoopi Goldberg on the list of the most annoying people at the table on Thanksgiving:

The religious relative: "For the rest of us, it's the only day when we can sit down and not hear about God."

Excuse me? What do you think this holiday is based on?! She said later on about Obama changing his tax plans that "things change." We can forget or ascribe our own meaning to this holiday, but its origin is not changed. This holiday is the only one that doesn't get avalanched by or buried under secular meaning. I love this holiday for its straightforward simplicity. Give thanks. To whom? God. The Pilgrims started it with a feast, and that's what America still does to this day. Give thanks to God... for so many, many, many blessings.

I can even be thankful that Whoopi said what she did because it stopped me cold and caused me to remember the origin of this precious day. XO

1 comment:

God's Girl said...

Yes... I agree.
Thanksgiving... may we be ever thankful for all that the Lord has given us!

Enjoy your day!
