Tuesday, November 04, 2008

I've known who the winner is for months

I woke up one morning shortly after the presidential candidates were officially nominated by their respective parties with one thought prominently settled in my mind:  Obama is going to be our next president. The thought stayed unvoiced for a few weeks until one conversation with my husband.

Kev:  McCain had better step up his campaign, or he won't stand a chance.

Me:  It kind of doesn't matter what he does. Obama's going to win.

Kev:  What do you mean?

Me:  I woke up with that "fact" in my head one morning, and the only other times that's happened, it's come true.

Kev:  Ah, maaaaannnn.......

       Are you sure......? I mean, you always say your dreams don't mean anything.

Me:  I don't know anything for sure. I'm just sayin'.......

Now whether God fixes these very few events in my head, or I just get a clear whim once in a great while is up for discussion. The Eeyore in me always lists to the most depressing option, and I'm not one of those people who maintains a clear bead on His voice, so again, I'm just sayin'. It's not like I'm wishing it so, that's for sure.

1 comment:

annie.michele said...

The best part about this post is that I can perfectly hear Kev in my head, saying just what you said he did.

I, for one, think the worlds biggest burrito might be kinda nasty. But I do prefer the 'light' news as opposed to the icky ones. Nasty burritos are no match for nasty smear campaigns.