Happy Father’s Day, Dad!
Every day I think of you and pray for you.
Every day I thank the Lord for His tremendous gift of provision and grace in His design for you to be my father.
Every day I try to live up to a standard that would make you proud of me.
Every day when I see the faces of my kids, I thank the Lord for “the fervent prayers of a righteous man.”
Every day that I have to shave my legs I think of you. ;o)
Every day I am proud of who you are—for your service in the military, your devotion to my mom, and your faithfulness to our God, whom you taught me to love.
Every day I look at the American flag and know that the great respect I have for it and our country I learned from you.
Every day at some point I laugh, and I think of all the times you’ve made me smile and laugh out loud.
And every time Father’s Day rolls around, I get out my simple pencil and try for the life of me to make a mere card explain what my heart can’t even command. I can only hope to love you well every day and to thank you once again for the gift of loving me so well. Through the years you’ve sacrificed & cared for, taught, disciplined, given generously to, befriended, counseled, driven, prayed for, and loved me oh-so-very-well. Trust that these words are sincere and offered in humblest gratitude.
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