Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Thought Salad

  • The impossible has finally happened. School is canceled today. Hasn't happened in the last ten years. The boys say Jylle gets all the breaks--her school has been closed for two days. All the Ya-Yas have canceled schools now today.
  • I think morbidly. It wasn't until I voiced some of these thoughts to a sympathizer that I was made to realize just how morbid. For instance, when I drive alone, I hook my purse into my seatbelt so that if I'm found dead, they'll be able to identify me. And I make sure the purse is zipped so my wallet doesn't fly out. This isn't something I even think about--I just do it.
  • Th 'e' on my kyboard has startd sticking so I hav to prss it twic now... bugga...
  • I'm going to try roasting vegetables instead of steaming them. Supposedly the flavor is immensely better.
  • I'm using the Google Chrome browser now. Minimalistic. I like it. Still learning it.
  • We're closing the land deal on a small parcel across the road from us. We'll be the proud owners of a pond and the land our well is on.
  • Ryan goes back to college on Monday instead of Sunday--yea for one more day!
  • My dear cousin's little girl just underwent surgery to implant a shunt in her brain to prevent the accumulation of fluid. This is her fourth surgery in four years, and she's only 11. Meanwhile, my cousin is being sued for libel by a maniac cousin to whom I am also unfortunately related.
  • I need new sneakers. It's been five years.
  • We still haven't sent out Christmas cards.
  • We just received a small check for selling two carbon sinks. That means someone paid us for having trees and plants on our property so they could say they're helping the environment, thereby granting them bragging rights for having "green points."
  • I just discovered snow shoeing, and I like it!
  • A few of my eyelashes are gray now.
  • My cat is 10 years old, and all our old friends are amazed that we still have him. That's not terribly old for an inside cat, is it?
  • I've been eating tsaziki almost every day. Let's hear it for warm flat bread.
  • There is NO OTHER NAME by which we are saved. I can call on the Father all I want, but it's when I call on the name of JESUS that things happen. I know they are One and the same, but this was the revelation given to me while--again--alone on the road. There is something preparatory in this for me.

1 comment:

Cheryl Stillar said...

Oooh! Oooh! I love it when you open your head and let me have all those thoughts at once. I feel less out of touch. But I also feel boring. Your committee is always so busy! Sure do love you.