Tuesday, January 20, 2009


My Houdini horse keeps escaping. If there's any weakness at all in the electric fence, he can smell it a mile away and takes full advantage. On Saturday he got out five times. It's not safe or healthy for them to eat too much grain, so I had to hog tie the barrel of oats to keep him from lifting the lid and gorging himself. I'd thought the enormous rock I set on top would be enough, but no, he bites the lip of the lid and just lifts. (He probably thinks my little attempts are cute.) It took about 15 minutes to wrap and knot and interconnect enough twine to keep the barrel secured, but it was worth it because he hasn't been able to get in it again.

Here he is in the garage on Saturday. He's more like a big dog than the image of a noble horse. Kev snapped this one minute before he let loose and pooped--big ol' pile right there in the garage! My poor husband.

My brilliant Kevin finally had the idea to string a second and even third wire across. They're not even hot, but they provide enough resistance that he can't just push through or under the one that
is hot.

It worked for three days. ***heavy sigh***

Because he's been so successful, I've been keeping a few flakes of hay in the barn so he'll stick around. Otherwise, he'd probably head down the road to the neighbor's barn. That's where we've found him before. I saw him in the barn
this morning and barely took time to get Kev's lunch and breakfast together before strapping my boots on and heading out to investigate the damage and try to locate the point of exit. Didn't take long and wasn't difficult (thank You, Lord!) so I'll see how long he stays in this time. He's so cute and the sweetest, dearest personality. I'm taken by his complete absence of malice. He's just got this great wanderlust. And constant hunger.

Oh, crap! He's out again! I'm not even kidding! grrrrrr........

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