Friday, May 16, 2008


I subbed at the elementary school yesterday, and I had first graders, then second graders, then third graders! I just get my "mom" on, and that works great. The third graders kept saying that I was really nice, which is kind of alarming to a sub because that sounds like a platform into being taken advantage of, or they're going to at least try. I figured out that it was probably because I acted a lot like their moms--smoothing a head of hair, swiping a crayon shaving off a shirt, reminding them to use manners, granting permission to do certain things, giving directions and just generally guiding them through the day. There were a few moments where firmness was called for, but mostly it was do-this, do-that.

When they came in from recess, most were red-faced and sweaty since it was our first really warm spring day. I did what I'd do if they were my own children. I picked up the spray bottle and asked the nearest kid if he'd like me to spray him. "YES, PLEASE!" He squeezed his eyes shut, and I misted his face and hair. Suddenly a swarm of eager red faces aimed up at me begging for the same thing.

I sprayed and sprayed, going from face to face, then en masse. (I was careful not to spray the papers on their desks or anything electronic.) The ones who were the hottest went to the sink and further showered themselves with more water to cool off, but I had to stop that because they were getting the floor all wet--too dangerous, and I didn't want to have to clean it up.

Simple pleasures, simple kindnesses. I had fun playing mom-for-a-day to about 50 kids. I thought I liked the middle school best, but this experience has me reconsidering. Maybe I just like it when we can all get a little respect and have some fun...

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