Saturday, March 05, 2011

note from the past; hint of the future

I found this in my night stand. It's written in purple ink and dated 7/29/01.

In that twilight time j-u-s-t on the brink of falling asleep, sometimes I catch the movement of another world, one that's just not this one. There is an unfamiliar dimension about it that is at once both warm and odd. It's soft, unlit yet not at all dark, and foreign. There is an invitation, a tease, a curiosity, and a fullness. It is only a glimpse--one eye blink of notice, and that is all I am given. I know it is the border of my Home. Nothing else could draw me like this. Nothing else exercises all my senses toward some kind of Anticipation.

What awe in that Place where there is no night, our tears are wiped away, the glory of Christ is celebrated, and He is acknowledged as KING.........!

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