Some people think that if they say things politely, couch their actions with compassion, mean well, lack malice, and/or sympathize with the less fortunate, they are on the side of right--or even righteousness. The final Word though says that without faith, it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6).
This country was founded on Christian principles. We've tripped and limped and shuffled a lot since then, but the foundations are still there. Do justly. Love mercy. Walk humbly with your God. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and love your neighbor as yourself. Stupid judges can overrule the will of the people, but we know Truth when we hear it, and we want it to reign.
There is more to this country than being pro-life or pro-abortion, supporting the traditional family or uplifting the gay lifestyle, prosecuting sex offenders or coming alongside them with healing programs. There is a balance somewhere in-between that embodies the case of Christ, who loves perfectly and is poured out into others through hearts poised toward His.
Surely we who call ourselves His children can find a way daily to come together in Love, Grace, Unity, Peace, and Power, so the world will know something larger than strife. How little we call on the All of God that He offers ongoingly! I don't care WHAT political party you support. Show me whose heart you follow and why. Maybe we can talk. I love you regardless, simply because I can. Isn't that radical...?!