I busted out laughing during her speech when the camera landed on her daughter, Piper, who was holding their new baby. They'd shown her a couple times already, gently smoothing her baby brother's hair and tucking the blanket around him. This time though, she licked her entire palm all the way up and then wiped down his head! Eeeyuck! What was she doing?! Making her own kind of emergency hair gel? Was she trying to make him look better? Was she cooling him off? It was funny after my convulsion though. Spit things--eeeyuck.
The more I see and hear of her, the more I like her. I think she'd make a great VP because of her leadership experience and character. I love that she's an intelligent, attractive Evangelical too, not the "Isn't that special" church lady--something we get pictured as by mainstream media.
Can't they talk about what matters though? the things we're all concerned about in our economy and on the world front? the ridiculous trivia that's all the buzz is what I'm hearing instead of the nuts and bolts of plans and policies. Even when those are touched on, it's all so freakin' vague! Anyone can say he's going to cut taxes and bring home troops. Tell me HOW!
Okay, this started out on a pleasant note. Let's come back. I am enthusiastic about Sarah Palin, and I'm happy she's on the ticket. It's been a shot in the arm for conservatives, and I loved the shock and the resulting energy from it. I'd like to shake her hand and thank her personally someday for being a great leader and for handling so well the mishandling of her family by the media in that initial avalanche of examining her life. I think she's pretty all right.
I love Sarah Palin and we're praying she and McCain win the election. What a smart choice for McCain. NOW we're excited! Go, Sarah!
This is the best kick in the ass the Republican party has gotten since Ronald Reagan and it's about time! When the enemy starts railing and gagging God's up to something.
She's one tough, smart cookie, and I like her a lot. The debates could very well contain thunder and lightning this year!
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