Sometimes when I'm blogging, I feel like I'm the only one who will ever read these words, which is fine. I write for myself anyway. Sometimes though I wish there were other women my age who blogged. I've looked for blogs by women 40+ and 50+, but can't seem to find any that are general or Christian in topic or who've posted anything after 2006. The closest thing I can find is Rocky Mountain Moms Blog, and not only is that still being set up, but I don't think I qualify, being just westward shy of the Rockies. And I want to talk or read about more than motherhood. It'd just be nice to connect with other women going through the same kinds of things I am--kids in college, looking at an empty nest AND menopause, life challenges, funny things that'd be fun to share, getting ticked at my husband or myself or the dog, y'know, just "stuff." The great majority of the blogs I come across belong to young people. I know technology savvy plays a large part in that. Doesn't keep me from wishing though.
I'm not lonely; I'd just like some good, girl company once/week or so. I don't want to chat. I want to read some personal note and say, "Yeah! I feel like that too!" or "Wow, I'm glad that's not MY son," or "She needs a hug right now," or even "...a swift kick in the tush." Sharing like that makes my insides fit right.
This is just more of the human condition, isn't it... "Am I the only one... is there anybody else out there like me?" The solo dance continues.
I'm not lonely; I'd just like some good, girl company once/week or so. I don't want to chat. I want to read some personal note and say, "Yeah! I feel like that too!" or "Wow, I'm glad that's not MY son," or "She needs a hug right now," or even "...a swift kick in the tush." Sharing like that makes my insides fit right.
This is just more of the human condition, isn't it... "Am I the only one... is there anybody else out there like me?" The solo dance continues.
There are Christian cafes that could probably direct you to some blog spaces like that. It's good that you're not lonely though. Lord's there with a plan.
I know how you feel. Sometimes it feels like I'm the only one going through life as it is. I'm thankful for my girlfriends and their emotional support. Knowing I'm not alone in real life means the world to me. Fortunately, the blogging world isn't the end all. Face to face is how He made us to interact.
Connecting, 40plus, menopause, getting ticked, challenges, funny things, and sharing life. I can relate. You're not alone. Were out there. Most of us just dont blog or dont do it right. Google deeper. I bet theres something perfect for you out there!
i haven't seen a whole lot out there that particularly addresses 40-50+ christian women. i'm sure they're out there, but i'm also sure they're wanting the same thing you are. keep your eyes and heart open. i bet it'll happen.
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