Take my Tina for instance... just the thought of her face can make me smile out loud. There is a childlike quality about her questioning, but also--and disconcertingly--there is a wisdom of the ages. It can be a wild & adventurous combination.
There is my Jewelee... aaahhhhhhhh... This one shares my DNA. Together we have 3/4 of a mind. We can finish each other's sentences. Our intimacy used to create an envy of sorts at one time in some of the others. We've come to terms with our oneness and know that no matter how long we're apart, no matter the horrendous experiences (and there have been doozies!), no matter the time we've not spoken, we are still together, and one. I have no other like her. She is my Gift.
Glenice makes me laugh with almost every memory! She cartwheels through airports just so the bored employees have something to look at! She runs out of the bathroom topless just so the knocking one can have in! She builds outhouses and firepits with her bare hands and fixes the car herself. She can draw blood and analyze it as well as she can coach a gold medal soccer team. All these accomplishments aside, it is her insides that draw me and keep my heart. She is compassion on wheels and fiercely loving. Her loyalty is unequaled, her persistent heart offerings unmeasurable. She is her Abba's, and He is her beloved.
Cheryl and I are SO different. Sometimes I think we're from different planets with neither of us being from this one. She makes me think. She directs me to God, and I want to know Him so very much better. We seem to do the best one-on-one in person. I think and speak in terms of feelings and sensings and vague familiarities, but she is very concrete and analytical. Someone told me that she hugs in order to get love, but I rather believe this is not true. I believe she might benefit from that hug, but it's the safest, surest, most direct word from God, through her, to the huggee. She is intelligent, well-read, passionate, trusting, fun, and lovable.
I'll write more of the remaining Ya-Yas when I am so inspired. That's one thing we understand about one another--we will not be guilted into doing something that our Abba does not ask. When it comes, it comes. If not, we either wait, or get over it.
Every girl would be as blessed as I am with even one of these women, so... grateful am I to have to have six!
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