When I heard of the plans a young man I know was making, I immediately poo-pooed them and considered them hot air, big talk, and absolutely unaccomplishable. I kept shaking my head and thinking, "He's just like his dad. That's never gonna happen."
I was still headshaking when I shared my new info with my oldest son, who listened politely. When I asked what his impressions were, he gently said something like, "I hesitate to rain on anyone's dreams. They might sound unreachable, but they're still someone's dreams."
I was speechless.With a gentleness and a wisdom beyond his 17 years, his words instantly placed me back in that higher place of compassion, encouragement, and believing. It is a wide open space of grace, and I was profoundly--and humbly--thankful.
My 12th commandment: I shall not pee in your cornflakes.
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