At the end, he prophesied over four kids, one at a time, and each time laser-point-relevant into their lives. There was nothing mystical or emotional about his prophesying. He spoke over the first girl and then explained to everyone that the spirit of prophecy is just the revealing of the heart of Jesus. He said it's all about family because the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are all about relationship, and we are One in Christ, all part of the family of God. He spoke to three more kids, all in the same calm, gentle manner and then asking if that seemed right to them. To the last girl, he said that her creativity would affect many for Christ and that music and dance were particularly important to her. "Is that right?" he asked her. With some tremor, she replied, "Y-e-s..." Truly, it was the way I believe Jesus would have prophesied--no hullabaloo or fanfare, just straightforward wisdom, knowledge, and encouragement from the heart of God to His people with the aim of revealing Jesus.
This is the third time I've encountered this message of prophesying into someone's life in the space of a month. Could it be that God is up to something in this small corner of the world?!
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