Easter Day was LOVELY! Brightest sunshine woke us up, and Jylle and I wore our new dresses. (I was a little disappointed that the only dress she found that she really liked and that fit was black. For Easter?! I know, right?! I told her to try accessorizing with some color, and she pulled it off. I forgot to take a picture though...)
Our youth pastor, Andy Fox, brought a powerful message about how shocking and offensive some of Jesus' words in John 6 were to the crowds and to the disciples. We like to think that we'd be people who took in everything He said with a Yeah, and a Right, and a Preach it. But if you put yourself in their shoes, totally unaware of the big story and the ending, you just have to believe that you'd be just a little offended or repulsed, or pretty confused at the very least.
"I Myself am this Living Bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this Bread, he will live forever; and also the Bread that I shall give for the life of the world is My flesh" (51).
"Jesus said to them, "I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in him. Just as the living Father sent me and I live because of the Father, so the one who feeds on me will live because of me" (53-57).
I love that we ended the service with communion. There's something about coming together in unity around the person and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. It is profound and moving in its symbolism and meaning.
We went to the early service to allow more time to get ready to go to my brother's. I made a lovely salad and a couple of dressings, and the Jell-o was ready from the night before, orange with sour cream and mandarins mixed in it. We changed into more comfortable clothes and took off.
I called both boys on the way there (an hour plus drive). Brett's fighting a cold that's going on a month old now. He already went to the doctor, but nothing seems to help. I told him to eat some wasabi or Chinese hot mustard if he gets desperate for at least some temporary relief. Motorcycle safety class got canceled because of snow, so that'll be rescheduled soon. He didn't go to church because of the road conditions, so he was listening to something online. I'm so glad I mailed his Easter package in plenty of time so he could have his jelly beans and chocolate bunny on Easter!
Ryan went to church and was just sitting around practicing guitar when I called. He was going to have a little jam session with Keira later. She's in his Texts and Critics class, puts on a dinner for students once/month for $3, and plays a mean violin in the MSU symphony orchestra. They're just friends, and he admires her mad music skill. He was thankful for the Cheez-Its and jerky I sent. Have no idea if he'll actually eat the chocolate bunny, but I had to send it for me. He thanked me for not sending him Peeps. I haven't given him those for years though because they just don't do anything for him. When he said that, I immediately thought of how I did send some to Brett, but I didn't give any to Jylle! I gave her a bunny and a bag of jelly beans, but no Peeps! She didn't say anything, so she either didn't care or didn't want to complain.
The air smelled absolutely delicious when we stepped out at my brother's house. As the turkey fried in boiling oil, we stood around the pot just catching up. The girls were inside, and the guys stayed outside, so I went into the room where Jeslyn stays when she's in town and joined in the conversation between my mom and her. Jylle came in a few minutes after that, and it was kind of fun to all be in one room like that. Jeslyn's toes were really cold, so I started rubbing them, and that evolved into a foot massage. "This is only the second foot massage I've ever had, and I am really enjoying it!" It was so satisfying being able to bless her like that. I don't get the chance to bless those girls...
When Alan brought the turkey inside 15 minutes later, the aroma was completely captivating. We were all SO ready to eat! Alan said the prayer, and I always love when he prays. He sounds like he does in the cards he writes--sweet, straightforward, poignant.
Surprisingly, my folks left shortly after dinner, just like they do when they come to my house, even though they only live 15 minutes from my brother. Jylle's hopes of playing a game of "Apples to Apples" was dashed. She's a quick recoverer though, and we decided to leave shortly after they did. Jeslyn had to get back to Pullman for work in the morning, and she was already tired, so we didn't want her to stay any later.
We just snacked a little in the evening and went to bed after eleven. It was a simple day with a blend of routine and some new stuff added. I realized that it's awfully nice to have family in the area and to enjoy them as well is truly a wonderful blessing. The only thing that would've made this better would have been to have ALL the kids with us. We gave thanks for their safety though, and I look forward to seeing Ryan in just a few weeks, then Brett the end of May. We'll be all together again, at least for a few days.
It's for unity, love, and Your glory that we thank You this day. Thank you for what we could never have done ourselves, so that we might meet around You together in spirit if not in body. Thank You for this precious day.

Our youth pastor, Andy Fox, brought a powerful message about how shocking and offensive some of Jesus' words in John 6 were to the crowds and to the disciples. We like to think that we'd be people who took in everything He said with a Yeah, and a Right, and a Preach it. But if you put yourself in their shoes, totally unaware of the big story and the ending, you just have to believe that you'd be just a little offended or repulsed, or pretty confused at the very least.
"I Myself am this Living Bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this Bread, he will live forever; and also the Bread that I shall give for the life of the world is My flesh" (51).
"Jesus said to them, "I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in him. Just as the living Father sent me and I live because of the Father, so the one who feeds on me will live because of me" (53-57).
I love that we ended the service with communion. There's something about coming together in unity around the person and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. It is profound and moving in its symbolism and meaning.
We went to the early service to allow more time to get ready to go to my brother's. I made a lovely salad and a couple of dressings, and the Jell-o was ready from the night before, orange with sour cream and mandarins mixed in it. We changed into more comfortable clothes and took off.
I called both boys on the way there (an hour plus drive). Brett's fighting a cold that's going on a month old now. He already went to the doctor, but nothing seems to help. I told him to eat some wasabi or Chinese hot mustard if he gets desperate for at least some temporary relief. Motorcycle safety class got canceled because of snow, so that'll be rescheduled soon. He didn't go to church because of the road conditions, so he was listening to something online. I'm so glad I mailed his Easter package in plenty of time so he could have his jelly beans and chocolate bunny on Easter!
Ryan went to church and was just sitting around practicing guitar when I called. He was going to have a little jam session with Keira later. She's in his Texts and Critics class, puts on a dinner for students once/month for $3, and plays a mean violin in the MSU symphony orchestra. They're just friends, and he admires her mad music skill. He was thankful for the Cheez-Its and jerky I sent. Have no idea if he'll actually eat the chocolate bunny, but I had to send it for me. He thanked me for not sending him Peeps. I haven't given him those for years though because they just don't do anything for him. When he said that, I immediately thought of how I did send some to Brett, but I didn't give any to Jylle! I gave her a bunny and a bag of jelly beans, but no Peeps! She didn't say anything, so she either didn't care or didn't want to complain.
The air smelled absolutely delicious when we stepped out at my brother's house. As the turkey fried in boiling oil, we stood around the pot just catching up. The girls were inside, and the guys stayed outside, so I went into the room where Jeslyn stays when she's in town and joined in the conversation between my mom and her. Jylle came in a few minutes after that, and it was kind of fun to all be in one room like that. Jeslyn's toes were really cold, so I started rubbing them, and that evolved into a foot massage. "This is only the second foot massage I've ever had, and I am really enjoying it!" It was so satisfying being able to bless her like that. I don't get the chance to bless those girls...
When Alan brought the turkey inside 15 minutes later, the aroma was completely captivating. We were all SO ready to eat! Alan said the prayer, and I always love when he prays. He sounds like he does in the cards he writes--sweet, straightforward, poignant.
Surprisingly, my folks left shortly after dinner, just like they do when they come to my house, even though they only live 15 minutes from my brother. Jylle's hopes of playing a game of "Apples to Apples" was dashed. She's a quick recoverer though, and we decided to leave shortly after they did. Jeslyn had to get back to Pullman for work in the morning, and she was already tired, so we didn't want her to stay any later.
We just snacked a little in the evening and went to bed after eleven. It was a simple day with a blend of routine and some new stuff added. I realized that it's awfully nice to have family in the area and to enjoy them as well is truly a wonderful blessing. The only thing that would've made this better would have been to have ALL the kids with us. We gave thanks for their safety though, and I look forward to seeing Ryan in just a few weeks, then Brett the end of May. We'll be all together again, at least for a few days.
It's for unity, love, and Your glory that we thank You this day. Thank you for what we could never have done ourselves, so that we might meet around You together in spirit if not in body. Thank You for this precious day.
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