Sticks and stones, dude. Words can hurt you. How I say something to you says more than the words themselves. Words in the hands of an angry sinner can shred and blast my insides. Words in the hands of a loving artist can create life terrain in my deeps.
I am certain that after I am gone, most of everything I ever said or wrote will be as chaff and straw. Only words spoken in faith and love will remain. "In these last days He has spoken to us in Son" (Hebrews 1:2 Amp). He is a language. How remarkable to be said of someone, "I love her perfume. It is the fragrance of Christ." That’s what His words are to me, and I’d love to represent them like that.
I know me, and it’s an ongoing challenge. I speak Sarcasm and Banter. I like to laugh and have fun. I hope I never hurt you. (If I do, I hope you’ll tell me. As gently as possible. More than that though, I want to build you up. I want to encourage and nurture and learn you and--bottom line--honor God.
Words. There are 329 in this note. They’ve helped me process. Just a few more in closing: “The Lord gives the word of power; the women who bear and publish the news are a great host” ~Psalm 68:11.
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