My sweet, sweet sponsor picked me up and had a friend in tow who wanted to “join the party.” Sigh… We went out for dinner, which actually is always fun. A new Mexican restaurant I’d never tried. Good stuff.
We arrived at the church, and they got me all set up, boot camp style quarters with everyone lining both sides of the room like ladyfingers. An icebreaker provided opportunity to meet people, after which we said goodbye to our sponsors.
From that point on for the next three days were series of instructions, speakers, surprises, bathroom lines, formatted prayer, hard nights, worship, discussion, and great food. Keeping you off balance is one key to the impact of the surprise. Okay, I’m a little more understanding now of the reason behind the vagueness. No one wants you to open your Christmas present until the proper time.
Along with wondering about Kev’s reaction to whatever event just went down, I kept thinking the whole time of how each of my Ya-Yas would react. I kept noting what you all probably would and wouldn’t like. If you have trouble not being allowed to do something whenever you want, that’d be a negative here.
Kev said God's timing was all over this because he can’t think of any other time he would’ve been open to going. There was prayer all over this weekend starting months ago, for the event and all the people involved. We feel like we’re part of a kind of club now. The sound of that word “club” is distasteful, but we can’t think of a better word yet. It’s not a secret society, but not wanting to expose the surprises truly is a worthy aim, and it's what you all have in common now.
I’m still processing, but at least now I’m not waking up with faces, moments, and random thoughts from the weekend racing through my mind. It’s a little calmer, and I’m looking forward to an even greater calm, the kind that comes two weeks down the road after all the mental stuff has lost steam and wants to just hunker down somewhere now. Routine is the sanity of life.
We’re glad we went, and although Kev probably won’t be involved with any Walks in the future, I might be. Probably the control girl in me. I've read this book, and it's a pretty good one, so I might like reading it again sometime.
1 comment:
I've read the jacket cover and I am ready for the book. Do I need to come up there?
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