Thursday, August 12, 2004


Please, Daddy, help me to grow in You now. Help me catch the little foxes, and make it B&W clear as to when I choose and what I choose. Help me to discipline my thought life, and restore to me the joy of Your salvation. I remember when You were all I wanted--my divine obsession. Take me there again, Lord God. You grace me with the privilege of my family, and I cannot yet say that if You take them, I would be okay with that. I would still follow You because who else but You has words of life...? You alone can satisfy this growing discontent.

I’m wondering if I will simply have to come to the point of looking at myself, my thoughts, my actions, and finally have them sicken me. Like a big plate of lasagna set before someone with stomach flu. Maybe I need that gagging and those waves of nausea to rise and blast. But Lord, You know I don’t want to hurt anyone. I don’t want to embarrass my family or You--or me... I want to be about the journey of doing Your will, not mine; of offering the hands of Jesus to people who need Him; of speaking words of life and hope and encouragement to souls unfamiliar with Your intimate way. I want to enable You to grow and harvest fruit from the mission You’ve given me.

The skies are gray, and I can’t see far. If I stumble, let it be into Your arms. You can carry me wherever it is I need to go. †

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