Sunday, April 10, 2011


There was a week early this summer when the weather wasn't very good. We don't open the screen doors, and we can go days without ever using the front porch. That's why it was a big surprise to find this swallow nest in the corner of the roof one day.

I was able to sneak some pictures of the li'l guys. There were four eggs, but only three hatched. It was fun to see them grow. The poop on the front porch wasn't so great.

Dodging mom and dad wasn't fun either. It's the first time I wished I owned armor or chain mail. She looks like a bat here as she swooped in to bully me away from her wee ones.

They left about a week after this picture. They seemed too little, but I guess it was time. They were squawking at Jylle moments before I clicked this. Must be the angle of the camera, but our front porch is not only six feet tall.

It was fun while it lasted. But I don't miss the poop or the dive bombing.

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