Brett & Lydia didn't have a chance to eat anything at their own wedding reception, so they drove right to a grocery store and downed some sushi that she held so that he could drive. While I find that sad and somehow cruel, they obviously survived and zipped off to Amarillo for the first stop on their honeymoon. They stayed at the historical Monte Vista Hotel in Flagstaff and savored a beautiful dinner. Hiking and camping for the first time, Lydia said she really liked it, but nobody enjoys doing that stuff in the rain, even if it is Yosemite.

After winding their way north from California to the Seattle area to visit Nana and introduce Lydia to new relations, they made it here for a Washington reception. The day started out interesting weatherwise, and we never know what to expect when we get these mixed signals.

The cupcake "shmear

Lydia getting the wedding video ready for guests

My incredible Ya-Yas, without whose emotional and physical support I could never have pulled this thing off, much less keep up with guests and spontaneous needs. Their perfume is the fragrance of Christ, and I am one piercingly blessed woman. (Cheryl, I still owe you for all the pasta salad and punch!)

My oldest son and my new daughter
I can't herd all the thoughts of gratitude, wonder, and anticipation I have. The scenes and conversations will play themselves out many times before they settle, and I will marinate in the joy and newness of this new stage of life with a full heart.
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