This was my comment:
In the moments of the seeming never-ending day, it's hard to believe it will not always be like this. But then the day comes when there's an empty chair at the table--and then another--and there are no more chances to get it right. Have no regrets. They are your most precious investment.♥
I write off the cuff, and I found myself all teary before I was even finished! This river of motherhood thing runs deep, yet it is r-i-g-h-t there under the thinnest veil of skin ready to rise and flood. It is called up at surprising times, and even when I am unaware of it, its steady beat and flow are present and so greatly alive.
I have no little ones, just cherished memories of my precious treasures. I have regrets, but I don't live there. What I lacked, neglected, or mucked up, the Lord has or will supply to them His very own self. May they enjoy and take full advantage one fine day of joining this most incredible of clubs...