Stephanie and Beans came over the other day. It's the second time in three months, which isn't a bad start. We thought we might try to make it once/month because in Stephanie's words, "We are. so. bored!" With Josiah in school now, there's less excitement in the house and maybe more time for a visit like this. It's a wonderful time for me, and I just love it because I never get to see them on Sundays anymore.
A latté is always on the agenda. I made a caramel macchiato for her, she was thrilled to know I made homemade caramel and asked for the recipe (thank you, Glenice =). She brought scones the first time, white chocolate and cranberry--eeyum. This time I made an apple coffee cake with biscuits, grated apple, and lots of butter. Turned out that it could've used a lot more. Or a glaze. Or something. Bummer. She was very gracious though and ate what I served her. It was very kind. Beans is always happy with apples and cheese.
I love how she'll come sit on my lap and just "be." She lets me hug her tight and kiss her sweet, sweet head and cheeks. She is so delicious! In a small and polite voice, her eyes darting between mine and the floor, she asked, "Can I play with some Legos?" No problem. You want the moon and the stars? I'll get those for you too, you adorable, precious, tiny angel girl!
As she bent over the toys I fetched for her, she'd swipe the hair out of her little face. Stephanie asked if I knew how to braid. Like nobody's business! I proceeded to dampen her hair and find some small bands. I set her on the counter and let her play with some toys while I set to work. She let me finish with little squirming, and then we took these pictures to mark the occasion. Our hope was that she would let her mama do that without the usual fuss about "the dreaded comb." Again in that small voice, almost to herself, she said, "I don't like combs."
People tell me I'll absolutely LOVE having grandchildren. I probably will since I absolutely loved having children, and I understand that's the harder job. Until that blessed day, I am perfectly content loving on Beans, who fills my heart with so much joy and love that I'm moved to tears.
Thank You for this precious family who open arm us into their lives. Thank You... xoxo
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