I thought of the animals. I l-o-v-e my doggies and my horse. They are my buddies and my faithful companions with not one mean bone in their bodies amongst them. But then I thought They're basically like family. Doesn't count.
I thought of my home. It's modest,
I thought of Kev's job, that we're extremely grateful for that in this wretched economy. We're thankful for the medical and dental insurance. It allows us to keep going without missing a beat while hundreds of thousands are not so blessed in this woeful climate. Pretty good, but Kev used this one last year.
I thought of good health. With our folks aging and my mom in acute, chronic pain for two years now, we're aware of our own "growing pains," some of them new and whose causes are phantom. Our kids are beautiful and healthy and thriving. This one will work!
The bottom line though, is that without relationships and God, there really isn't anything profound enough to declare "important." Without those two vital things, even good health isn't enough to make you get out of bed in the morning. No wonder there are more suicides during the holiday season than at any other time. It's in our very design and the motivation to even take our next breath. We are all about relationships and God, and ultimately, a relationship with God.
Thank You, Lord, for Your perfect design, for creating us for relationship and community and oneness, and for providing the Way for that. From the bottom of my small-but-still-learning heart. XO

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