Now this. They're going to keep paying him, and she's going to take over as the 8th grade girls coach and do it for free. He's out because she wants him out. It's all so emasculating.
Where I HAVE to go, where I MUST absolutely go, is the real, true world, "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." ~Eph 6:12
My flesh wants to rail against this ridiculously small, stupid, soul-less, foul-mouthed moron, and my imagination wants to enjoy all means of revenge against her. But that is not where I want to go. That is not how I want to live.
I told Kev to pray for her. He said, "But I don't consider her my enemy." I find that noble. Even in the midst of this, he doesn't want anything but to enjoy some low key basketball (certainly compared to what he's experienced in the past). He doesn't want any enemies, any revenge, any commotion, conflict, or controversy. There's just something about him that she took issue with from Day One, and he did say this day would come. Pray for her. When I pray for people against whom I have an offense, sincerely and over time they become dear to me. I end up caring a great deal about their welfare and well-being, and I cease to link them to that offense. They become lambs as dear to God's heart as I know I am. It is heaven on earth when His all-Love heart meets our loveless times.
For now I will continue to encourage and strengthen him as I can. He is only human, and he struggles with handing trials over once and for all as most of us do. He will rise above this, and it will leave its mark, but this time, I'm praying it does the supernatural work of molding him further into the image of the Lord who saves--and saves and saves us.
But you, O Sovereign LORD,
deal well with me for your name's sake;
out of the goodness of your love, deliver me.
deal well with me for your name's sake;
out of the goodness of your love, deliver me.
For I am poor and needy,
and my heart is wounded within me. ~Ps. 109:21-22
1 comment:
Ouch. And I am sorry for you both. And I will pray for you both. May God speed you all the way to "count it all joy", for surely He is able. I love you.
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