Yesterday I stayed based in the kitchen, baking four different kinds of cookies, R&J hunkered down in a room where J got some basic lessons in guitar, and B wandered in and out all day like he usually does, checking in on this and that and him and her and seeing how the cookies were coming along. K had a 2-hr late start, so he plowed the driveway before heading back to the salt mines.
We did lots of nothings--little side stories, youtube vids, putdowns, but mostly there was just a pervasive sense of content. It was a time for me to just marinate in them being under the same roof again. It's the only time I ever feel truly, fully at peace. I know I should be bigger and better than that, but it's where I am. We (the divine We) are working on it.
I am growing up as much as they are.
We still have no tree, no decos, no cards, no pictures, no gifts, and it's going to be one holy mission to get that all done with the snow assaulting this region. Kev's mom comes on Monday, weather permitting, and Christmas is six days away. But I feel no pressure. I am utterly and blissfully content. It is a supernatural gift, and I am profoundly grateful. We have one another, we are fed and warm, loved and loving, and I am enjoying this still pause in life.
Thank You, Lord, for Your Emmanuel. XO
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