I heard Chuck Swindoll say that the most important conversation you'll have all day is the one you have with yourself. At first I was shocked that he didn't say "with God." He was doing a series on Grace, so I decided to give him some room for artistic license and just keep listening. I was hesitant to fully buy in because I just couldn't get it to settle in and sound right. But casting my caution cloak aside after praying for big fat stop signs and ears to hear a word that might actually be helpful, I realized the measure of truth in what he was saying. People who play negative tapes often are a bummer to be around. I fight that battle everyday against my inner Eeyore.
If I spend too much time speculating on the results of this election or even listening to my husband yell at the TV, I go ape, so I like the idea of positive conversations with the committee in my head. Lord reminded me that I'm an encourager. Encourage yourself. I gave you that gift--it's not just for everyone else. You can have some from you too. New thought! Never entered my mind before!
- On Nov. 4, our country will have a new president. But on Nov. 5, Jesus Christ will still be on the Throne.
- God's word admonishes us to pray for those in authority over us. Check.
- No use future trippin'--there's no grace there. Stay righthererightnow.
- God is at work in this as He is at work in everything. This cruise ship is going that-a-way no matter who or what's on deck.
- Nobody voted out lattes, chocolate, good books, warm blankies, soft chairs, and laptop blogging. I'm good!
1 comment:
I love, love, love your post! Such good stuff. Thank you!
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