Monday, October 06, 2008

What I hate..... today.....

Since it was Official "Venting" Day, (not the exact word they used at this one site), and I'm in a gritchy mood, I'm getting these things off my chest.

I hate:

~when people don't say thank you. How easy is it to offer two one-syllable words?!

~when people don't hold the door open for you, and they're two steps in front of you. How simple would it be to just keep your hand there one lousy second longer?

~when people don't leave a message on my answering machine, but keep calling and calling as if maybe I'll pick up this time.

~dog sheesh at my mailbox. I have dogs. I walk them, and I don’t let them leave these landmines for unsuspecting people.

~finding an empty ketchup bottle in the fridge as if that was okay to file away junk. Throw it AWAY, my dears.

~fake apologies, as in I’m sorry you feel that way. Or I’m sorry you‘re mad. Admit you screwed up so I can forgive you already.

~hearing people say “RE-tard” or “You‘re so retarded.” We have millions of special needs kids. They already have a tough road. Don’t add bricks.

~yellow jackets. ‘Nuff said.

~buying fruit and finding it brown and fuzzy the next day. That’s just not fair.

~lying. Go straight to jail; do not pass Go; do not collect $200. You will work your tush off trying to earn back my trust. (Are you listening, my darling daughter?)

~meanness. There’s a buttload of hateful things out there already. Take a second and look beyond your own self before you do or say something mean. Don’t be small. Be medium. Yeah, don’t be big or small, just be medium. Meanness just plain sucks.

I might add to this if I think of more later. For now I feel better. I’m grateful for this ventage. Hmm, cool word. I think I just made it up. Fodder for another blog: What I like….. today.....

1 comment: said...

So happy you got that off your chest.