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I win!
I won two free coupons for mochas this morning. I was in the kitchen and called KMBI for their share-athon. Afterward, I went to the bedroom and the radio was on. I heard, “Caller number seven wins two free mochas,” and he gave the number. That is pretty cool of KMBI to do that. I didn’t recognize it the number, so I spastically pushed the buttons on my cell phone. “You’re caller number seven! Who’s this?” It was at that moment that I realized this was not KMBI, and that I had no idea what station this was. He had to ask for my name twice because I froze at the thought of him asking what my favorite radio station was. What am I going to say—KTSL?! He didn’t ask, big whew, but he did give me directions. I had to keep listening another ten minutes after the call to identify my benefactor. Now I have to go downtown to pick up my coupons. I’ll do it on Thursday when I pick up Brett from the airport! It’ll probably cost more in meter money than the coupons are worth and I don’t even know what coffee shop they’re for, but it should be fun!
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