The center of the M-51 Whirlpool Galaxy is sometimes referred to as the Cross Galaxy, which is appropriate as this picture illustrates.
This is a great reminder to me of the fact that my real, true self is in Christ. Most of these days I am mediocre at best, a bottom dwelling sucker fish at worst. You know, the kind with translucent white flesh, unseeing eyes, and tentacles that grope for something to chew on. Sometimes I will swallow something nasty. On purpose. Afterward, I think That was stupid. Oh, well, I won't tell anyone, and no one will know.
Sometimes I wonder if I'd have any friends at all if they knew the stupid things I do. On purpose.
Back to the Cross. We revere this symbol of torture. I wouldn't wear a guillotine jewel around my neck, but this satan-inspired instrument of the cruelest way to die ever is everywhere, in sterling, 18k gold, plastic, and cloisonnes. Its effect personally has been to position me eternally right in the lap of GOD. Jesus paid my debt of sin with His life, and now I am really and truly holy. Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it..... Humanly speaking, it is. But God's not human, is He..... He is Spirit and Truth, and Truth IS what it is. God stretched out the heavens, and it intersects my little heart by way of the Cross.
When I listen to the lies and assaults of the enemy of my soul, let me go deaf and have ears only for Your whisperings, which are constant and sweet and honest and Life to me. XO
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