- Homebound for longer than I can ever remember. Becoming a hermit, so must be aware not to keep the light hidden.
- Brett: China this summer, great grades; Ryan: possibly pursue a career as a PA ; Jylle BB & Passport to Purity weekend
- Precepts Study on Daniel (love how entwined the scriptures are, how they support one another and lead me on to other searches, other of His Truths; I like the dailyness of getting into it and knowing the other ladies will have been doing the same; I like how other questions and info come up on study night, not just reading the answers to all the questions but relating one chapter to the next and then the next and seeing His heart and nature revealed. I’m becoming familiar with the specific words in one chapter at a time, and I seek His Spirit to reveal what He’s written down for us to know).
- What We’re working on now: Being freed from sin for the privilege of serving. I’ll start wanting something until satisfying my big ME is my focus. That’s the goal, to have and to hold that satisfaction. Slowly over days or weeks it dawns on me that I am not satisfied… like needing dinner and the popcorn I’ve been eating is the ticket—only it’s not, and now I still need dinner AND I’ve stupidly eaten 1,000 senseless calories. Think “Lean Cuisine for the soul.” The satisfaction I think I want tastes a certain way, feels a certain way, and I’m coming to identify it before IT feeds on ME. What Jesus did for me put to death my enslavement to sin and the need for addiction to selfishness. Because He opened my prison cell, I am free to pursue a satisfaction this world pays honor to with its mouth, but disdains in its heart. I am free to serve. THIS tastes a certain way, feels a certain way, and I’m coming to identify it as the dinner I’ve been wanting for a long, long time.
Living there all the time sure doesn’t happen overnight though, does it…
You make me smile
You make me wonder
You make me listen
You make me think
I love when we swing
I love when we snuggle
I love when we’re “in our zone”
I love when we’re close
You flip my switch
You snap my cracker
You swish my basket
You float my boat
I love your sparkle
I love your stride
I love your knowledge
I love your courage
You peanut my butter
You sugar my tea
You white my rice
You lyric my melody
You drive kinda hard
You like to hug a long time
You make me crazy
You keep me sane
When I make you blush, I grin like mad
When I make you happy, it’s like a gold medal
When I make you laugh, my heart sings
When I make you cry, I taste the salt
We’ve come a long way
We’ve been through a lot
We’re growing into children
We’re growing into Love-ers
I never now what's coming next
I never know if I'm doing it right
I never know your true pulse point
Until in childlike manner you tell it so
You remind me of rosebuds
You remind me of thistle
You remind me of Heaven
You remind me of Joy
I celebrate the day we met
I celebrate the day we first snuggled
I celebrate the friend I have in you
I celebrate today, the day you were born
"May the God of peace make you holy through and through. May you be kept in soul and mind and body in spotless integrity until the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is utterly faithful and he will finish what he has set out to do." ~1 Thess 5:23 (JB)

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