- Q. What are you doing today?
- I am:
- capitalizing on the leisure of this day.
o contemplating the sanctuary of that place of Him&me.
o examining my blessings.
o considering how I can bless someone else today.
o wondering at His love for me.
o asking Him to bring me to Life and to see His holiness. I want to be better than I am today. WAY better. But that’s another thread…
o listening to my new Bebo Norman cd.
o waiting for the phone calls & cards that will come (Bettie Boo…?)
o thanking Him for truly wonder-full family & friends.
o learning how to operate my new digital camera.
o rereading my birthday cards.
o reflecting on Kev's love & devotion as similar to my Abba’s.
o wishing him a very good day.
o wanting our water situation and NOW dryer fixed.
o praying for the ones He brings to mind.
o trying not to think of myself selfishly, to live in humility.
o thinking of Paula as she undergoes back surgery & remembering that today is her birthday as well.
o drinking in the faces of my children in their pictures on the stair wall, one current, one when they were little.
o enjoying the quiet, the view, the freedom.
o eager for the thing that will move me into the lane where I am journeying rightly rather than the wrongly way of now.
o letting the dogs come in the house just because.
o playing the good tapes in my mind.
o eating & drinking what sounds good (e.g., chicken salad & a vanilla latté with caramel sauce).
o puzzling over my obstinacy & dull vision.
o psyching up for work tomorrow, followed by 2 days of watching li’l Josiah.
o watching expectantly for God-hugs.
o trusting Kathy’s vacation this week is both fabulous & relaxing
o having fun with fonts by inventing names of businesses with fonts that reflect that industry, in the in between time as I compose this.
o wondering if Tina will call so I can read her this list because for once, I am ready for this question.
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