I stayed strong through the whole thing, crying only as little as anyone else---------until we left town. Then I cried and cried and cried, all the way to Wyoming, and even after then, off and on… Kev too. Leaving one of my children behind felt just wrong. We were five, and now we were four… It just didn’t seem right. Part of my heart felt hacked off, and it was weird that a kind of mole suddenly appeared under my left eye… like a piece of shrapnel surfacing from the inside...
We went to McD's today. I told Kev I didn’t want to go to church, that I wouldn't be able to handle the questions about how it went, how it was dropping him off… He woke up with a hideous headache, and we ended up going to McD's, stopping at Safeway for hot dogs, buns, and soda. We went for a ride on their new pontoon boat which came with the new, fantastic house they bought on the river, and it was a lovely, lovely time. I always do love my time with Peggy, one of the most munificent friends I could ever know… Got some pictures, and I’m sincerely grateful for them.